

From a small boarded platform to a fully boarded and accessible loft we can ensure that works are completed to the highest possible standard. All of our platforms are made from solid timber to ensure they can handle weights for an extremely prolonged time.


Loft boarding needs to be raised to allow the correct amount of insulation to flow through underneath, this also allows adequate airflow under the boarding and helps with maintaining ventilation. Compressed insulations thermal quality can decrease by up to 50% due to insufficient airflow through the material so this is absolutely vital.


We offer bespoke loft boarding packages built around your needs and requirements, we also offer hatch enlargements and replacements to help with access for storage.


All boarding is formed with tongue and groove chipboard to ensure structural stability and safe access, all joints are staggered in stretcher bond formation to create a strong bonded and lasting platform.

If you’re in need of our exceptional commercial services, you can get in touch with us via our online enquiry for a highly competitive quote.