Thermal Imaging Service

Thermal Imaging Service

SurePro Insulation Ltd utilises high-tech thermal imaging to assist in building diagnostics and heat loss surveys, so that you can literally see problem areas of your property which are insufficiently insulated. Our fully qualified and certified thermographers thermal imaging cameras allow us to identify a number of issues that are often invisible to the naked eye. The use of our cameras can also identify moisture issues in your home as well as identifying energy loss areas and can save countless hours of searching the home for the source of energy loss and quickly identify areas that need attention. To schedule a diagnostic thermal imaging survey of your home contact us today.

Thermal Imaging

Having your home evaluated with an infrared scanner sheds valuable light on the effectiveness of your home’s thermal envelope.

An infrared scanner reveals hidden air leaks and areas where insulation isn’t performing and can also yield some interesting surprises – such as where an uninsulated hot water pipe may be causing problems – and is a valuable part of any good home energy survey.

Why waste many thousands of pounds over your homes lifetime heating up the sky and air outside the property? To enquire and schedule a professional diagnostic thermal imaging survey and see the results for yourself contact us today and book a thermal imaging appointment.

If you’re in need of our exceptional commercial services, you can get in touch with us via our online enquiry for a highly competitive quote.